Monday, April 27, 2009

I Get Around

It's official. Grace is mobile. She's been crawling for a couple of weeks now, and getting faster every day. She's starting to pull up a little too, but has yet to get past pulling to her knees. She is playing with the shoes by the front door right now, which have been dumped off the shoe rack so that the shoe rack can become a convenient, makeshift baby gate to block the kitchen and rest of the house.
Now she's disappeared to the bedroom where I need to go through and declutter anyway...
We're getting ready to move.
You read correctly. We are getting our house ready to go on the market, and have been putting offers in on houses we like, closer to SLC. Unfortunately, as twitterpated as Andy tends to get over houses, I've yet to have that magical feeling of "This is the one!"
Regardless, I've already gotten one of my friends to generously loan me a small corner of her basement for my model horse collection, cuz it's not weird at all to walk into a house loaded with plastic ponies, heh.
Okay, Grace has officially disappeared into the dark and mysterious bedroom, and I can't hear her anymore. Guess it's time to see what she's in to.
You know there's something up when it gets REALLY quiet, lol.
Oh, I did start kenalog injections last Friday, which made my ear look REALLY purple and angry.
Anyway, hope you enjoyed the quick, brief update.


Unknown said...

Hey, when will you be updating? I keep checking back to see how things are going.