Thursday, April 14, 2011

Busy Bee

Yesterday ended up being a busy day. After I posted my blog, we went outside to enjoy the sunshine. Grace drew in the driveway. Then we went to the post office, and Sunflower Market. SM had grapes on sale, 77c/lb, so we got some. I also got Grace a Larabar, b/c I wasn't sure when we'd have time to stop and eat. Tried Zico coconut water too, but wasn't impressed. It was just... funky. Went to the park after that. I am still struggling with going to park. I get bored VERY easily, which means I get antsy and cranky. Was supposed to take my best friend to a doctor appointment at 2:30, and still had a couple hours to kill. Texted her with how bored I was, she said come over early, and I somehow ended up at Thanksgiving Point with Grace instead, LOL. Got her pony ride fix in, and wagon ride, petted some of the animals, and then went to my friend's house. Grace fell asleep in car. Get to friend's house, and she informs me that her appointment is at 3:30. Yay. Anyway, we get to the doctor's at 3, and I feel relieved. Friend is convinced we're too early, I tell her that we're on time. Late, to me, is the time of the appointment. On time is 15-30 mins beforehand. So we sit and talk a sec, then go in, she has her appointment, and I take her home. It's getting close to 4 now, and I need to be to hubby's work at 4:30. Thankfully it was only a few exits, so I was there 4:30. We were going to spend time with Andy's sister and her kids who were in town from California. We went to the Discovery Gateway. I was tired, and hungry, b/c I hadn't eaten since my chocolate "pudding" incident. We went to the food court, and there wasn't really anything I could eat there thanks to Whole 30. So after everyone else ate, we went to the Hansen Planetarium. It got to be close to 8, and my hunger seemed to have given up by then. Home at 8:30, put Grace to bed, I'm exhausted, in bed at 9, asleep 10:30.
So, long story short, I haven't eaten in 24 hours. Counting the minutes now until I can dig into leftover corned beef! Snarf!

Grok on, my friends.